The Filthy and the Unjust share the same eternal destiny. Both gave up the good conscience they were endowed with by their Creator and chose to do evil instead.
The word “Filthy” fittingly describes the character of those who give themselves over to acts of sexual immorality. They suppress the good they instinctively know in order to satisfy their own craving for pleasure and indulgence. At first their moral filth may not appear obvious. However, their deeds eventually betray them. They use, and thus, abuse others to fulfill their own sensual lusts, without any restraint or regard for those they destroy and discard.
The sexual desire and capacity of men and women were given to them by their Creator for the purpose of bonding one man and one woman together in a lifelong marriage covenant that bears the fruit of healthy, happy, and secure children. Any sexual relationship outside of such is merely selfish indulgence. It degrades everyone involved and decreases their capacity to form deep and lasting relationships.
They were not born filthy. They became filthy. They did this by continually rejecting their conscience. They grew to despise God’s voice within their conscience. They stopped acknowledging Him for the acts of kindness He bestows on everyone. Their conscience became seared, as if a branding iron were applied to it. They became calloused, hard. In this state of mind, good is called evil and evil good. This is what it means to be depraved: no fear of the eternal consequences for your actions. No fear of leading others to the same destiny. No fear… No regret…
The “Cowardly”, those who passively consent to what is evil, due to fear, are also guilty. By their cowardice, they suppress the good they know and allow society to be destroyed.
The filthy have set themselves on a course to their destiny — never-ending separation and punishment — because of the ways they have ensnared others and destroyed human lives. They will continue to follow the evil one, sharing his eternal destiny — the lake of fire, which was originally only prepared for him and his angels.
But for the cowardly and unbelieving, and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
(Revelation 21:8)
They will be Filthy Still… Forever and Ever…